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JB Homes is a regional Builder, building in a highly competitive market.
JB Homes has 30+ communities in a typical suburban market. They offer the traditional closing costs and other various promotions. They market themselves through new home magazines and road signage. They aren't achieving their sales goals and are in need of a solution to increase traffic and sales.
They joined the Home Rewards Platform for Builders, where they can incentive more traffic to their models with a Rewards Program unique to each of their neighborhoods.
By joining Home Rewards, they had an instant and new method to entice buyers through their communities.
The program gave FREE gift cards and points that could be used for EXTRA options when the Buyer bought their home. All this, for just walking through the door.
JB Homes increased traffic and thus sales with one simple sign up. They chose a mobile rewards program that appealed to both Buyers and their Agents.
Quick Questions About Rewards
Can I offer diferent rewards in each community?
What are the Rewards?
How are points accumulated?
Yes, the reward amounts can vary in each community from Zero to ??? Always your choice.
Rewards are redeemed at the time of contract for Builder "Options" (Ex. 500 pts =$500 in Builder options/upgrades)
Buyers earn points with various home buying actions. Such as visting model homes, "Liking" the builder on Facebook, etc...
FREE Gift Cards?
Yes, Buyers get FREE gift cards when they visit the Builder for the first time. The process is automatic the second they step into your model home.
What does it cost?
Unlike traditional advertising Builders are accustomed to, we are a 100% results driven company. Rewards are only paid if they buy a home from you and you offer rewards in that specific neighborhood.
How is it promoted?
Home Rewards publishes rewards on our mobile map to Buyers and Agents. Rewards are Extra, or in addition to existing Builder promotions.
Offer Home Rewards, Get More Traffic.
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